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Spirit-Word-Fire/Spirit Journals
McFiles Faith Network

The Eternal Corner
What Must I Do To Be Saved
Acts 16:30-31
1. You Must First Acknowledge You're A Sinner In Need Of Saving.
Romans 3:23 - "All Have Sinned And Come Short Of The Glory of God"

2. You Must Recognize You Cannot Save Yourself!
God became a MAN in the form of Jesus Christ, who came into this world born of the Virgin Mary, then died on Calvary's Cross to pay the price for man's Redemption. The Price was high, but thank God it was paid that "whosoever will, may come and take of the water of life freely."
There is no other way to God except Christ. He Is The TRUTH, the LIFE,
And the only WAY!
(John 14:6, John 10:1-3)
There is no other way to Christ except the Holy Spirit draw you and you come
through His Finished Work ON THE CROSS.
We are to deny SELF, take up our cross daily and follow Him.
In our own strength this is impossible. When we get saved, the Lord sends the Holy Spirit, who is GOD, in our hearts to help us live this Christian walk!
Salvation comes from God and God alone, not man or any religious group!
You Must be born again! (John 3:3, John 3:8)
3. One Must Repent Of Their Sins
When one comes to Christ, they deny their old ways and life of sin. Jesus does not save you IN your sin, He saves you FROM your sin. He will help you overcome daily if you will but keep your faith anchored in what He's done for you at the Cross. There must be a conscious decision to forsake the sin in one's life and follow CHRIST.
Jesus said "except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish." (Luke 13:3)
Sin's wages are death (Romans 6:23) and only Christ's blood can wash away those sins from one's life. His blood not only cleanses, it delivers us from sin's power through the power of the Holy Ghost.
4. One Must Confess With Their Mouth And Believe
God's Word tells us in Romans 10:13 that "If you will confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart God raised Jesus from the dead, you shall be saved.
For with the HEART man BELIEVES unto Righteousness, and with the MOUTH,
confession is made unto salvation."
Simply put, one must accept who Jesus is - the Son of God, and what He has done,
which refers to Him dying on the Cross FOR YOU, in effect taking our place,
in order that we might be saved.
We must accept CHRIST and Him alone. We are saved by FAITH not Works and 100% by His Amazing Abundant Grace which was freely given to us at the Cross.
5. It's Time To Pray!
If you want to be saved today and understand what we've told you from God's Word
to this point pray and repeat this simple prayer with us.
The prayer in itself won't save you but it will put into words the things
we have just said regarding the Bible way to God.
Friend there is no other way than this to eternal life. For those who believe there is the eternal reward of being in the presence of God forever. For those who reject this sadly there is nothing but eternity WITHOUT God in a horrible place called Hell.
Pray with us today:
"Dear God In Heaven, I Come To You Today A Sinner"
I Am Humbly Asking You Today That You Save My Soul And Cleanse Me
From ALL My Sin"
I Realize In My Heart My Need Of Salvation, Which Can Only Come
Through Your Son Jesus Christ.
Your Word Says, "That If I Will Confess With My Mouth The Lord Jesus,
And Believe In My Heart That God Has Raised Him From The Dead," I Shall Be Saved.
With My Mouth I Confess.
With My Heart I Believe.
I Repent Of My Sins, And Promise To Turn From Them Today And Overcome
As To Live A Godly Life Before You The Rest Of My Life.
Your Word Says Lord that "whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord
shall be saved." (Romans 10:13)
Lord I have CALLED today upon Your Name Exactly As You Have Said,
And I Believe That Right NOW
If you have prayed this prayer, please email us at
Put "SAVED" in Subject Line, we have some material we want to share with you to help you in your new walk with God today. If you don't have a Bible just request one we will get one to you free of charge, postage paid.
We're here to help you in your spiritual walk with the Lord.
Bless you and know you're not in this walk of faith alone.
Chris Mc
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