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Writer's pictureChristopher McDonald

The Spirit and The Word Study Hour - Mystery Babylon - Revelation 17:1-7 - Lesson 1

Mystery Babylon – Revelation 17:1

1.    The First Organized Religion was the ancient Babylonian Cult, started by Nimrod and his Queen Semiramis which spread to all nations.

2.    The Objects of Worship were: the supreme father, the incarnate female, or queen of Heaven, and her son.

3.    The cult claimed “hidden secrets,” “hidden wisdom” in the most of “divine” ways

4.    This spirit continues to this very hour.

5.    Besides confessions to Priests, there are many mysterious rites tied to this Babylonian cult.

6.    Julius Ceaser became head of the Roman branch of the Babylonian cult in 63 BC.

7.    Other Emperors held the office till 376 AD when the Emperor Gratian, for Christian reasons, refused it.

8.    Gratian declared the Babylonianism cult “idolatrous.”

9.    The rites of Babylon were soon introduced into the Christian Church.

10.                       These rites are as followed:


A.  Temples were restored, beautified, and their rituals encouraged

B.  Worship and veneration of images, Saints, relics,

C.  Private confessions,

D.  Penances

E.    Scourgings

F.    Pilgrimages

G.  The Sign of the Cross

H.  Christmas, Lady Easter, Easter, Lent, and other pagan rites and festivals all became part of Christian worship





11.                       Governments have had what is normally called the “state” religion.

12.                       Several centuries ago, England broke away from Catholicism yet the Church of England was little different than the Roman Catholicism it replaced (Normally the case)

13.                       The Anglican Church did not quite go to the lengths of persecution characterized by its Roman counterpart, but almost.

14.                       The Pilgrims came to America to primarily escape the cluthes of the state church in England.

15.                       They braved hardships and untold persecution to worship God as they saw fit.

16.                       The Constitution of the USA tended toward freedom of religion and worship, which has made America great!

17.                       In the 1600s white men killed Indians, including women and children, for sport because of the color of their skin.

18.                       These murderers would hurry home on Sunday to attend church because it was against the law to not attend church (PROTESTANT)

19.                       In Spain, the Roman Catholic Church carried out the horrible inquisitions, brutally murdering tens of thousands whom they called heretics simply because they would not embrace the Catholic Faith




Catholicism – 1 Billion

Islam – 1 Billion

Hinduism – 1 Billion

Buddhism – 1 Billion

Protestant – 1 Billion

Other Religions – 1 Billion

Christianity (TRUE) - ?


II. The Origin – Nimrod


1.    Nimrod comes from the Hebrew marad (HSN-<H4775>), "to rebel."

2.    It points to some violent and open rebellion against God.

3.    Nimrod began to be a mighty one in the earth by bold and daring deeds.

4.    His rebellion is associated with the beginning of his kingdom and suggests that his hunting and mighty deeds were related primarily to hunting men by tyranny and force.

5.    He lorded it over others, hunting and destroying all who opposed him in his despotic rule over people.

6.    This is the meaning understood by Josephus and writers of the Targums.

7.    Josephus says that Nimrod persuaded people to ascribe their happiness to him rather than God.

8.    He became a great leader, taught people to centralize, and defied God to send another flood.

9.    It is said that Nimrod hunted down wild beasts also, which were killing many people, and taught people to build walls around cities for protection against them. Josephus: THE ANTIQUITIES OF THE JEWS\BOOK 1\Chapter 4\Section 2

10.     The term "mighty hunter" (Gen. 10:9) could refer to a hunter of animals or of men to enslave them. Nimrod was a hunter of both human beings and animals.

11.     The Hebrew gibbowr (HSN-<H1368>), translated "mighty" here, means a powerful warrior, tyrant, champion, giant, or strong one.

12.     It is used of giants who were renown for wickedness (Gen. 6:4), and of other wicked men (Ps. 52:1-3; 120:4; Isa. 5:22; Jer. 9:23).

13.     It could refer to Nimrod as a tyrant and oppressive despot.

14.     He established the first kingdom and the first universal false religion opposing God since the flood of Noah (Mystery Babylon). 

15.     This was done "before the Lord," that is, openly: in the presence of God with all defiance. That is why God, when He came down to see Babel, took action to counteract the rebellion of Nimrod (Gen. 11:1-9). Nimrod

16.       The beginning of his kingdom was Babel]

17.     This is the beginning of empires among human beings -- not necessarily divine institutions guaranteeing law and order, as ordained by God to Noah (Gen. 9), but the achievements of lawless tyrants who taught people to revolt against divine laws and true authority.

18.     The story of Gen. 11 concerns events before this portion of Gen. 10 where eight great cities constitute the first two empires, Babylon and Assyria (Gen. 10:10-12).

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