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Writer's pictureChristopher McDonald

Spirit Journals - Weekly Blogs Coming In 2021 And Beyond!

We have been through a rough 2020! Part of the casualties has been our Spirit Journals website! We will posting a weekly blog here for now. We may increase the frequency of those at time goes forward but for now you can count on at least one inspirational journal/blog from us here. Be sure to subscribe to our website to receive this. We will usually post these by each Friday. We just want to say THANK You for your patience with our website. We have a ton of material coming in due time but it will take time. Be blessed this summer and into the rest of 2021. Get grounded in God's Word, have fellowship with Jesus daily through prayer and allow the Holy Spirit to lead you into all Truth in this fateful hour! God Bless

Christopher McDonald, Sunday Meeting Time

On The McFiles Faith Network

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