TEXT: Revelation 2:8-11
The Jews That Are Not, But Are The Synagogue Of Satan
Jesus says the religion of the Jews who have rejected Christ is of Satan
Jews who do not believe in Christ are not considered Jews by the Lord
Nationality means nothing to God when it comes to Salvation!
John the Baptist rebuked this group in Matthew 3:9
Paul addressed this in Romans 9:6-8
Only those who are children of the promise are true Jews (CHRIST)!
the term synagogue of Satan refers to any worship that is not of Christ!
Jews will worship the Antichrist the snyagoge of Satan during Tribulation!
The church has same problem
Any gospel that does not have the CROSS at its center is ANOTHER GOSPEL! Galatians 1:8, 2 Corinthians 11:4, 13-15
"Tribulation Ten Days"
Nero - AD 54-68 (PAUL)
Domitian AD 81-96 (JOHN - Boiled In Oil, Patmos)
Trajan AD 98-117 - (Ignatius, Eustachius)
Antoninus Pius/Marcus Aurelius - AD 138-180 (Polycarp)
Severus - AD 193-211 (Irenaus, Bishop was beheaded standing up against heresy)
Maximus - AD 235-238
Decius - AD 249-251
Valerian - AD 253-260
Aurelian - AD 274-287 (Soldier at Gaul)
Diocletian - AD 292-304 (Four Edicts)