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Writer's pictureChristopher McDonald

Wednesday Night Bible Study - Notes -A Study In Revelation Lesson 6-TheLetters To The Seven Churches

Updated: Nov 3, 2021

TEXT: Revelation 1:18-20

1. Church Ephesus - Apostolic Church - Ended 100AD

2.Smyrna - Martyr Church - 100-300 AD - Rome Hurled 10 Bloody Persecutions Against The Church

3. Pergamos - State Church - 300 AD to 500 AD, Constantine Great Legalized Christianity Making It State Religion Of Roman Empire - Invasion of Paganism Into Church

4. Thyatira - Papal Church AD 500 - Present, Rome Assumed Power Over Church - Pope 5. Sardis - AD 1500 - Luther - Justification of Faith

6. Philadelphia - Missionary Church - AD 1800 To AD 1900s

7. Laodicea - Present Day Apostate To Rapture

Adam To Christ 4000, Church 1991 Years

1. One or more details of Christ's description Rev. 1:12-16

2. Each is addressed to the pastor

3. Each church is commended for it's work except Laodicea - She Had None

4. Each church is rebuked except Smyna and Philidelphia

5. Each church is commanded to repent except the second, fourth, and sixth. The fourth (SARDIS) has sin of which to repent, but is not commanded to do so.

6. Warnings of judgement are given to all churches except the first, second, and sixth.

7. Each church was more corrupt than a preceding one except the first, second, and sixth. The first one was commended for ten things; the last one condemmed for ten things.

8. Promises to overcomers are in each.

9. Each end with an admonition TO HEAR "What the spirit sayeth to the church"

10. John is told to write in each case

When he finishes one letter he is directed whom to write and what to write, until the last is completed.

Then he is told to write "the things which shall be hereafter" the churches (Rev. 1:19; 4:1).

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