TEXT: Revelation 2:1-5
More facts on Ephesus
Ephesus was the political capital of Asia.
Roman government resided there.
Located in SW Turkey (ASIA MINOR) at convergence of three great highways.
Trade center of the area then "The Vanity Fair Of The Ancient World."
Religiously it was center of idol worship.
Acts 19:24 - "Artemis" or Romanized as "Diana."
The CHURCH AT EPHESUS was founded jointly by Aquila, Priscilla, and Paul (Acts 18:19-19, 19:1-10).
The apostle John spent a great deal of his life preaching the gospel there.
When John was banished the pastoral leadership fell to Timothy.
Letters to Timothy parallel Christ's admonition to Ephesus; warnings too.
2 Tim. 2:6, 15; 4:5, 1 Tim. 1:7
Despite being devout there was no energy or enthusiasm.
Christ is speaking the same to US tonight and the remnant church in America!
Only the remnant of true believers MAKE UP THE CHURCH!
The Seven Churches
Jesus is the speaker
He has divine knowledge/Christ is the standard
There is a verdict for each seven
There is a command to each church depending on that church's self-deception
There is an exhortation to all "He who has an ear, let HIM hear what the Spirit says to the churches" (Rev. 2:7).
The Words of the Spirit are the words of Christ (Rev. 19:10).
There is a promise of the victors reward - "I will GIVE" - Christ is the source of all GIFTS!