Sunday AM Service - Saul And The Witch At Endor - 10/31/2021
Text: 1 Samuel 28:5-7 -
1. Mercy And Grace Had Been Extended To Saul For 40 Years!
2. "Inquired Of The Lord" - But Not On God's Terms! Not Out Of Humility But Fear
3. Saul Sought A Witch Instead "With A Familiar Spirit"
4.Most Of The World Do Same:
A. Horoscopes
B. Psychic Readings
C. Fortune-Telling
D. Psychologists
5. The Bible Forbids Trafficking With Demon Spirits - Directly Or Indirectly!
6. Saul "Disguised Himself," "Changed His Raiment,"
And Protects The Witch (1 Samuel 28:8-10)
7. Saul Had A Zeal For The Law, But
Law Cannot Change Hearts!
8. Saul Seeks To Bring Up The Prophet Samuel!
9. Witch Describes These Spirits As "gods ascending out of the Earth"
10. Saul Bows Himself To The Description!
11. Saul Is Distressed As ALL Are Who Forsake
God And Seek Witchcraft Instead Of Him!
A. Sore Distressed
B. Philistines Make War
C. God Is Departed From Me
D. God Answers Me No More
E. Neither By Prophets, Dreams
F. "To Make Known To Me What Shall I Do"
12. The Spirits Speaks To Saul
A. "Because You Disobeyed God"
B. Predicts Saul/Sons Death
C. "Shall Be With Me" - Dead - Or In Hell, Both
D. Israel Shall Be Delivered Into Their Hands -"The Lord Shall Deliver"
13. Witch Offers Sauls Food, Rest, Strength
The Darkness Always Seeks To Sooth The Light With Deceiving Offers
14. Saul "Fell To The Earth" And "Went Away " That Night
Sauls Namesake Acts 9:4 Saul Of Tarsus Also
Fell To The Earth - But Arose Blinded By The Light Of Jesus To Receive A Crown Of Righteousness
Saul The King Went Away With A Deeper NIght To His Soul TO His Doom And Hell Itself