Sunday AM Service - The Kingdom of God Cometh Not By Observation, But Is Within You
Text: Luke 17:20, John 18:26; Daniel 2:34-35; 7:14; Romans 14:17
The mindset of Israel is sadly that of the modern church
The message of Christ, along with his miracles was clear of his purpose ON this earth
Israel looked however for their messiah to be a political leader to rescue them from the clutches of Rome
The messiah in their mind would have such power they would once again be the top nation in the world
Prophecies of the old covenant did point to a future where that was so but Israel failed to meet the requirements of such due to self-righteousness and religious idolatry
Their self-righteousness would not allow them to accept the fact their messiah was destined to die for all humanity as a sacrifice instead of delivering them from the clutches of Rome
Jesus fulfilled ALL the prophecies of the old covenant yet they missed it because they misinterpreted the word of God or denied it
They read into the word of God what they wanted to
The Jews wanted a kingdom with observation and the church wants the same today
Because of this most miss what God is REALLY doing on the Earth being carried away into fables and fads instead of seeing the heart of Jesus for the lost!
Jesus was saying ALL these external signs were not scriptural and had NO bearing ON the kingdom of God
Jesus IS the kingdom of God! But Israel would not recognize him and neither does the church
The kingdom of God begins and rests IN THE HEART!
Israel wanted all the material, social and physical aspects of the kingdom but not the spiritual!
The true kingdom is a changed heart and life - Israel didn't believe it needed changing and millions don't today
When Israel accepts Christ - THEN THE KINGDOM WILL COME! (Ezekiel 40-48; Zech 14, Revelation 20)
When Jesus gave the great commission he was giving the message of the Kingdom (Mark 16:15)
The way we transform the earth is to allow Christ to be FORMED in US and take this gospel to every creature! (Matthew 5:5)
The earth itself will not be changed until Jesus Christ comes!
The 7 Mtn/Kingdom age fallacy is FALSE and cause many to deviate from the faith A. Ignores the great falling away B. Promotes "little God" syndromes C. refutes any preaching on Hell, repentance, afterlife and responsibility God the message of the kingdom of God is REPENT! Mark 1:14-15; Matthew 4:17; Acts 20:21; 2 Peter 3:9
The Kingdom of God does not come with observation
The Kingdom of God is AT HAND
The Kingdom of God proclaims REPENT
The Kingdom of God is everlasting
The Kingdom of God is NOT OF THIS WORLD
The Kingdom of God is RIGHTEOUSNESS, LOVE AND PEACE in the Holy GHOST!
The Kingdom is WITHIN YOU