Sunday PM Service - The Coming Kingdom "Thy Kingdom Come"
Text: Luke 17:20, John 18:26; Daniel 2:34-35; 7:14; Romans 14:17
There is a kingdom age coming but not the type kingdom that is being pushed by false teachers and prophets
The road map to what the kingdom of God is and when it will come to this earth is given to us in the word of God
There are sadly two opposing viewpoints to this all important doctrine - One from the apostate church, the other from the word of God
ALL doctrine not based on the word of God is FALSE!
This is what the scripture outlines as to what is ahead for planet earth A. Christians will NOT reform and achieve domination over the world nor present it flawless to Jesus Christ when he returns - when he return he returns to an unrepentant and evil world - Revelation 19:11-16 B. Before Jesus takes over the world we will see a terrible apostasy - A falling away from the truth and the bible up to the physical second coming of Christ - 2 Tim 3:1 Matthew 24:21 1 Thes. 5:3 C. As the church cries peace, Jesus cries from his word to be watchful for his soon coming for the church known as the rapture or catching away of the Saints - This is the first resurrection! - 2 Thes 2:7 1 Thes 4:16-18 D. After the rapture, the great tribulation will take place - Matthew 24:21 E. After the great tribulation, Christ returns physically WITH the church at the great battle of Armageddon
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The Kingdom of God does not come with observation
The Kingdom of God is AT HAND
The Kingdom of God proclaims REPENT
The Kingdom of God is everlasting
The Kingdom of God is NOT OF THIS WORLD
The Kingdom of God is RIGHTEOUSNESS, LOVE AND PEACE in the Holy GHOST!
The Kingdom is WITHIN YOU