Sunday PM Service - Special Prophecy Update - Gog, The Chief Prince
Text: Ezekiel 38:1-3, Revelation 13:1
Ezekiel 38:1-3 And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophecy against him, And say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal:
"Gog" is NOT Russia
Land of Tubal, Magog in Ezekiel's day was land of Turkey, Russia, former Soviet Union
The Antichrist will come from Syria - not Greece, Turkey, Egypt, the Vatican, Italy, France, Spain, Germany, Russia, Poland, England, Scandinavia, China, Japan, India, the United States, or any other part of the world outside of Syria
Daniel 7, Four Beasts Out of the Sea
The Lion - Babylon
The Bear - Medo-Persia
The Leopard - Greece
Non-Descript - Rome
Ten Horns - The Revised Roman Empire
Persia - 3 ribs in mouth - Babylon, Lydia, Egypt
Greece - 4 Wings - 4 Divisions of Alexander
The Great's Kingdom After His Death
Daniel 8
He-Goat - GREECE
Four Horns - Greece, Turkey, Syria, Egypt
Little Horn - Antichrist
"Saints" are ISRAEL, not the church
Rosh (Septuagint in Ezek. 38:2; 39:1)
Persia (Ezek. 38:5; 27:10; 2 Chr. 36:20-23; Ezra 1:1-8; Esther 1:3, 14, 18; 10:2; Dan. 11:43)
Ethiopia (Ezek. 38:5, 29:10; 30:4-5)
Libya (Ezek. 38:5); 30:5; Dan. 11:43)
Many people (Ezek. 38:6,9)
Ten kingdoms of the revised Roman Empire (Dan. 7:23-24; Rev. 17:12-17)
Many countries (Dan. 11:41)
Countries east and north of the 10 kingdoms (Dan. 11:44)
All the heathens...Multitudes, multitudes (Joel 3:11-14)
All nations (Zech. 14:1-5)
The kings of the earth and their armies (Rev. 16:13-16; 19:19-21)
The whole world (Rev. 16:13-16)
Three proofs God is not Russia - But The Antichrist
Gog is the same as the future Antichrist he cannot possibly come from Russia, for Scripture reveals that he will come from inside the old Roman Empire territory.
Dan. 7:8, 19-25 plainly shows that he will come from among ten kingdoms inside that territory; and since Russia was never a part of the Roman Empire
In fact, Dan. 7:8,23-24 not only proves that he will come from inside the Roman Empire territory, but that Russia must be defeated in order that the ten kingdoms may be formed.
Russia controlled nations such as Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, the old Czech Republic and other parts of the old Roman Empire territory; and these must be liberated from her the 10 kingdoms to be formed.
2. In Dan. 8:9,20-25 states that God, or future Antichrist, will come from one of the four original divisions of the old Grecian Empire which itself became a part of the Roman Empire; that is from Greece, Turkey, Syria, or Egypt since Russia never was a part of the old Grecian Empire we see again that the Antichrist or God could not come from that country.
3. Dan. 11:35-45 reveals that Gog, or the future Antichrist, will come from the Syrian division of the four sections of the former Grecian Empire. See notes on Dan. 7,8, 11. This also proves that he cannot come from Russia
That Russia will invade Israel before Armageddon. There is not the slightest proof of this in Ezek. 38-39, which passages deal exclusively with Gog leading many nations, including Russia, down from the north into Palestine at the battle of Armageddon. Antichrist, not Russia will make an invasion before this. If Russia ever does invade Israel before Armageddon, it will not be in fulfilment of any particular prophecy, especially not these two chapters - Ezek. 38-39.
Seven Empires of Persecution of Israel
Ten Horns - Seventh Head - YET FUTURE
"His" Heads - Names of Blasphemy
A. Leopard - Greece
B. Bear - Medo - Persian
C. Lion - Babylon
The Realignment Of The Nation
All empires mentioned in scripture have to do with their persecution of Israel
There have been six in the past, two future A. Egypt B. Assyria C. Babylon D. Medo-Persia E. Greece F. Rome G. Revised Rome (FUTURE) H. Revised Greece (BEAST-FUTURE)