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Writer's pictureChristopher McDonald

Wednesday Bible Study - Notes - Study In Revelation Lesson 38 As Many That Have Not This Doctrine


Revelation 2:24 24 But unto you I say, and unto the rest in Thyatira, as many as have not this doctrine, and which have not known the depths of Satan, as they speak; I will put upon you none other burden.

Genesis 11:1-4 1 And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech. 2 And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there. 3 And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them throughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for morter. 4 And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.

24 But unto you I say, and unto the rest in Thyatira, as many as have not this doctrine (have not succumbed to the teaching of Jezebel), and which have not known the depths of Satan, as they speak (the teaching of "Jezebel" was "spiritual adultery," which was a departure from the Cross and is labeled here as "the depths of Satan")

I. The Babylonian Roots of the Catholic Dogma

  1. This city was built by Nimrod, the mighty hunter (Gen. 10:8-10).

  2. It was the sea of the first great apostasy against God after the flood.

  3. Here the Babylonian Cult was invented by Nimrod and his queen, Semiramis.

  4. It was a system claiming the highest wisdom and ability to reveal the most divine secrets.

  5. This cult was characterized by the word "MYSTERY" because of its systems of mysteries.

  6. Besides confessing to the priests at admission, one was compelled to drink of "mysterious beverages," which, says Salverte (Des Sciences Occultes, Page 259) was indispensable on the part of those who sought initiation into these mysteries."

  7. The mysterious beverages were composed of win, honey, water, and flour.

  8. They were always of an intoxicating nature, and until the aspirants had come under the influence of it and their understanding dimmed, they were not prepared for what they were to see and hear.

  9. The method was to introduce privately, little by little, information under seal of secrecy and sanction of oath that would be impossible to reveal otherwise.

  10. This has been the policy of the Roman Church and the secret of the power of the priests over the lives of men whom they could expose to the world for their sins that have been confessed to them

  11. Once admitted, men were no longer Babylonians, Assyrians, or Egyptians, but were members of a mystical brotherhood, over whom was placed a Supreme Pontiff or High Priest whose word was final in all things in the lives of the brotherhood regardless of the country in which they lived.

  12. The ostensible objects of worship where the Supreme Father, the Incarnate Female, or Queen of Heaven, and her Son.

  13. The last two were really the only objects of worships, as the Supreme Father was said not to interfere with mortal affairs (Nimrod III, Page 239).

  14. This system is believed to have come from fallen angels and demons.

  15. The object of the cult was to rule the world by these dogmas OR DOCTRINES! (2:24)

II. How The Ancient Babylon Cult Spread

  1. In the days of Nimrod this cult secured a deep hold on the whole human race for it was of one language and all were one people.

  2. Nimrod gained the title "mighty Hunter" because of his success in building cities with walls to free men from the ravages of wild beasts which were multiplying against men.

  3. He was called "the Apostate" because he sought to free men from the idea of god and His wrath.

  4. As a great deliverer and protector of the people and as the head of the godless civilization at the time he would naturally have great influence upon the people.

  5. he led them astray to such an extent that they gloried in the fact that they were free from the faith of their fathers.

  1. Ephesus - Apostolic church - Ended 100 AD

  2. Smyrna - Martyr church - 100-300 AD - Rome hurled 10 bloody persecutions against the church

  3. Pergamos - State church - 300 AD to 500 AD. Constantine great legalized Christianity making it state religion of Roman Empire - Invasion of paganism into church

  4. Thyatira - Papal church AD 500 - Present. Rome assumed power over church - Pope

  5. Sardis - AD 1500 - Luther - Justification of faith

  6. Philadelphia - Missionary church - AD 1800 to AD 1900s

  7. Laodicea - Present day apostate to rapture

The seven churches were chosen by the Holy Spirit! And portray the entirety of the church age.

  1. Ephesus

  2. Smyrna

  3. Pergamos

  4. Thyatira

  5. Sardis

  6. Philadelphia

  7. Laodicea

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